person trapped

Legal Services For Human Trafficking Survivors

If you are a victim of human trafficking, The Legal Project can help you.
Human Trafficking includes both Labor and Sex Trafficking. Human Trafficking is when someone uses force, fraud, or coercion to recruit, harbor, transport, or obtain a person for labor services or a commercial sexual act. For a person under 18, force, fraud, or coercion is not required for Sex Trafficking.

Indicators of Human Trafficking

  • Working long and unusual hours
  • Paid little or not at all
  • Not free to come and go
  • Owes a large debt to employer
  • Not in control of identification documents (e.g. passport, license)
  • Not allowed to speak for themselves

How can The Legal Project help?

The Legal Project offers free and confidential consultations with an attorney who will listen to you and help you learn about what avenues the law gives you. We can answer legal questions and offer representation in certain areas. We can provide a wide range of services.

For more information, download the brochure below or call us at (518) 435-1770. All programs and services have specific eligibility requirements.